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Au revoir! Thanks for joining us for Europa! Europa 2025. We'll see you next year.

Au revoir!

Four by Truffaut Retrospective

Four by Truffaut

Julie Keeps Quiet Headliner

Julie Keeps Quiet

The Swedish Torpedo Headliner

The Swedish Torpedo

Au revoir!

That's a wrap for Europa! Europa 2025. 

Thanks for joining us for a celebration of the best of European movies across four weeks. We'll be back in 2026.

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A selection of premiere titles making waves around Europe.

Four by Truffaut

Four by Truffaut

Our spotlight on the French New Wave icon features four all-new 4K restorations.

See more for less.

See more for less.

Buy a 10, 20 or VIP festival pass today.

Welcome to Europa! Europa